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How OTTO Real Estate simply manages over 5000 keys with Wowflow

OTTO Real Estate, one of the top 5 real estate companies in Vienna, needs an efficient key management system to keep track of thousands of keys. OTTO Real Estate therefore decided to introduce Wowflow for key management. Wowflow has enabled OTTO Immobilien to significantly improve the transparency and efficiency of issuing, returning and lending keys.

About OTTO Real Estate

OTTO Real Estate started out as a small property management company over 65 years ago and now has more than 90 employees. OTTO Real Estate manages, markets and values real estate in all areas such as residential, commercial, investment and apartment buildings. OTTO Real Estate received the Silver IMMY, the quality award for Viennese real estate agents, for 2017, making it one of the top 5 real estate companies in Vienna.

In the last 3 years, OTTO Real Estate has managed an investment volume of 1.1 billion euros and approximately 500,000 square meters of space. In addition, properties worth more than 4.5 billion euros were appraised and valued.


Real estate services


Why OTTO Immobilien needs efficient key management

As a real estate service provider with a wide range of services, OTTO Real Estate manages a large number of different properties, including residential buildings, apartment buildings, office buildings, commercial properties and many more.

Especially in larger buildings such as apartment blocks or complex office buildings with many rooms, doors and locks, there are also numerous keys in circulation. These must be carefully documented and stored securely.

Managing several thousand keys is very time-consuming and resource-intensive, but necessary to ensure the smooth operation of a property.
Efficient key management is therefore crucial in order to keep track of which key belongs to which door, who currently has access to it and whether keys have been loaned to external service providers such as tradesmen.

OTTO Real Estate relies on Wowflow for efficient key management

OTTO Real Estate was looking for a suitable key management system to make its work processes more efficient. After discussions with various providers, Wowflow was chosen.

The experts from Wowflow and OTTO Real Estate worked closely together to develop a practical concept for key management. On this basis, Wowflow developed a tailor-made solution that is continuously optimized through regular feedback from OTTO Real Estate. Convinced by this concept, OTTO Real Estate decided to implement key management with Wowflow software instead of cost-intensive hardware solutions.

If you discuss how you want to do it and then you get a product like this, which is of course new and needs to be developed further, then it wasn't that difficult to decide to do it with Wowflow.
Christoph Schmid - Head of Real Estate Management

Clear key management: Wowflow helps OTTO Real Estate to monitor 5000+ keys in real time

During the implementation of Wowflow, OTTO Real Estate was very busy, as all key data had to be compiled manually. This turned out to be an extremely time-consuming process.

Over 5,000 keys are now recorded and documented in Wowflow. ” Even though they are now 95 percent documented, we are still finding keys,” said Christoph Schmid, Head of Real Estate Management at OTTO Real Estate.

This effort also had its advantages: it provided the opportunity to obtain a more comprehensive overview of the key inventory.

If I need a number, I no longer have to go to the key box, I can look it up in Wowflow.
Ines Pinsolitsch, Real Estate Management Assistant

OTTO Real Estate now benefits from improved transparency and increased efficiency in issuing, returning and lending keys and the improved transparency offered by the new system.

It's certainly better now, simply because the key box is now clearer and we have a stand that we never had before
Christoph Schmid - Head of Real Estate Management

OTTO Real Estate saves time with every key issue with Wowflow

Wowflow’s key management helps to significantly simplify and speed up the process of handing over keys. OTTO Real Estate saves 2-3 minutes per key handover with approx. 1,600 issues per year, which corresponds to 30-40 handovers per week.

Partner companies of OTTO Real Estate can reserve keys easily and efficiently via Wowflow. This eliminates the need for time-consuming travel and coordination.

This significantly reduces the time required for these processes and increases productivity. “What I think is really good for us is the ease of use when making a reservation,” says Christoph Schmid, Head of Real Estate Management.

I'm simply a fan of being able to operate everything from one mask - you can't do everything anyway - but as much as possible from one mask.
Christoph Schmid - Head of Real Estate Management

Are you looking for a solution to organize your key management efficiently and clearly? Try Wowflow today for free

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