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EBE Elektrotechnik: User-friendly facility management software is accepted by 95% of employees

Wowflow Facility Management Software Erfahrungen

With around 50 employees, EBE Elektrotechnik GmbH is a medium-sized company that offers services in the fields of electrical engineering and communications technology, among other things. Another focus: lightning protection and fire protection. Coordinating and communicating with 50 people takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore it makes sense to implement a software that above all automates the documentation of the building inspections and facilitates communication with inspectors and technicians. It is also very important that the team is comfortable with the application and can use it without any problems.

The Viennese company EBE Elektrotechnik GmbH has existed for over 40 years. Over the decades it has developed in order to be able to respond to the needs of customers again and again. Meanwhile, the focus is on services in the field of electrical engineering and communications technology. Added to this is the “property security” business area since 2014.

Electrical engineering



The EBE Elektrotechnik x Wowflow Success Story

The fact is: The team at EBE Elektrotechnik has around 50 employees. It is clear and normal that not all of them can be tech-savvy in the same way. The functioning of a computer-aided project management tool depends above all on the acceptance of the team . If the employees cannot use the app on the go, the implementation makes little sense. Everyone has to pull together and be convinced of the benefits of the application. The prerequisite for this: An extremely intuitive tool that can be easily connected to the existing ERP.

The solution: A user-friendly facility management software

And this is exactly where Wowflow hits the mark: The user-friendliness is completely given . For Wowflow it was important from the beginning that the CMMS software is intuitive to use . Why? On the one hand because the demographic characteristics of the target group indicate that this is essential. On the other hand, because it in no way makes sense to spend several months just for training before you can actually use the software. Too many resources are being lost.

“There is always some risk involved in introducing new software. The Wowflow team resolved all of my concerns in no time. You have shown me how a high level of commitment can create a customer-oriented solution.”

Alexander Palanek
CEO EBE Elektrotechnik


The result: 95% of staff accept the software

In the case of EBE Elektrotechnik GmbH, the following approach has led to success:


2 hours


1.5 months

active testing

95% acceptance

in employees

  1. Step: There was a brief training (approx. two hours) of the management by the Wowflow team. The bosses were made familiar with the software. Any questions could be clarified in advance. Palanek appreciates this personal support: “It is always an advantage to have a direct contact when it comes to the introduction of new software. The support team ensured quick implementation and excellent customer service.”
  2. Step: In the next step, Palanek and his leadership team recorded a twelve minute video on how to use the Wowflow app correctly. This maps the basic functions of the CMMS application and explains the internal workflow. The video was made available on the intranet and is therefore a learning source for the team at any time.
  3. Step: As the last point on the to-do-list the video was then shown to the employees . All questions that came up at this point were answered immediately. A separate training was not necessary due to the ease of use. Subsequently, the Wowflow team is continuously available for optimization suggestions and ambiguities .

The big surprise – both for the project managers at EBE and for Wowflow itself: the implementation of the facility management software was completed after less than a week. After 1.5 months of active tests, 95 percent of the employees have integrated the program into their everyday work without any problems and are convinced of its benefits. Only five percent see potential for improvement.

The change management study carried out by Capgemini Consulting in 2017 proves: This approach leads to success. The study shows that the focus must be on people when implementing software – not on the technology itself. Creating a “culture of trust” is the central, target-oriented element: It must be suggested to the workforce that questions are important and that Initiative is desired and that your wants and needs are meaningful.

Source: Capgemini Consulting, Culture First! Von den Vorreitern des digitalen Wandels lernen – Change Management Studie 2017

EBE Elektrotechnik GmbH: The favorite functions of Alexander Palanek

  1. Reporting – “Generating a clear report after completing a task normally takes several hours. In the past, we first had to email all photos or even transfer them to a USB stick. Then a filing structure had to be created and continuously adapted. Wowflow creates the report within a few seconds and still allows continuous processing. In addition, our employees no longer have to come to the office to write the reports – they just do it on the go. This function alone saves up to 30 minutes per employee and per day.
  2. Priority assignment – “Daily tasks arise as quickly as should be done if possible and those that are not so urgent. With the user-friendly CMMS software Wowflow, we can make the importance of a message clear for every employee . This of course leads to an increase in productivity, since no phone calls have to be made or e-mails sent.”
  3. Photo editing – “The pictorial representation of a message makes our everyday work much easier. It is the perfect addition to our ERP system . What I particularly appreciate is the ability to edit images . With this I can point out a specific problem and describe it. Our daily tasks contain a lot of visual information , which can be optimally processed. This function is used by our team in all tasks. Before Wowflow it wasn’t that easy.
  4. Reliability – “We were among the first users of Wowflow in 2019. Unavoidable: Back then there were always small problems or disruptions that we communicated immediately. We always had a direct contact person to whom we could and still can turn around the clock. What I really appreciate: The speed with which our optimization suggestions are implemented. Faults are resolved within a few weeks. Desired features are programmed. Meanwhile, Wowflow is really the optimal facility management software for us.

Do you work for a company similar to EBE Elektrotechnik GmbH and would you like computerized support in the form of user-friendly software? Contact our team.