Think Clean Property Management is a cleaning company in the 23rd district of Vienna. By using environmentally friendly cleaning agents, trained specialist staff and now also the Wowflow building cleaning software, Think Clean offers its customers the best price-performance ratio.
Industry:Cleaning company
Documentation and reporting using building cleaning software ensure transparency in the cleaning company
This opinion is also reflected in the feedback from Think Clean’s customers. “It helps people a lot if we can send them photos of excessive soiling in the stairwell directly. The increased cleaning effort is much easier to understand than if we just sent them an email with the information. Customers thank us for that,” says Cigoja. This situation is particularly common in the start-up phase of a new project: heavily soiled garbage rooms, an extreme amount of green waste, a very dirty stairwell. This is where precise documentation makes sense, especially if it results in additional work and therefore additional costs. Think Clean communicates the use of our facility services software Wowflow in a targeted manner, especially for large-scale projects: There is an A4 information sheet on which, under the headline “Which quality management software solution is used by the bidder for maintenance cleaning?” The functions and advantages for the future client are specifically addressed. Think Clean offers the ordering party the option of receiving daily or weekly reports on cleaning performance. This ensures transparency, customer satisfaction and is particularly important in winter service with regard to liability.
Sofortiger Support bei Problemen
What Ms. Cigoja and her team particularly appreciate about Wowflow is the fast support in the event of problems. Response times are minimal and a Wowflow employee is always on hand.
Our commercial cleaning software is absolutely customer-centric: If there are issues with which Think Clean is not entirely satisfied, a solution must be found. As quickly and as sustainably as possible. Our customers appreciate this and the same applies to input regarding new functions and changes to the software. Think Clean provides feedback. We implement it. The cleaning company is currently testing our new calendar function with actual/target times – we look forward to your feedback! Would you like to test Wowflow yourself for your cleaning company? No problem, it’s also free! Simply register here or schedule a free 30-min consultation.